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t206 plank is my card real??

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty t206 plank is my card real??

Post by cmike7878 Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:11 am

PLease let me know if my T206 Plank is real, just got back into collecting had not looked at the card in about 20 years forgot i had it please help

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty t206 plank

Post by cmike7878 Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:12 am

How do i add the picture in i cant figure out how

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by fisherboy7 Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:19 am

Here are Mike's Plank scans:

t206 plank is my card real?? Plank10t206 plank is my card real?? Plank310t206 plank is my card real?? Plank410

I'm afraid it's a fake/reprint, sorry.

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by cmike7878 Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:21 am

how can you tell it is a fake i thought the Last Name and team name being different sizes made it more likely to be authentic
some major staining on card and i know it is trimmed

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by terjung Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:22 am

Click on "Host an Image"
Browse for it on your computer.
Resize it based on your resolution. For this question, it may be best to leave it at max though.
Click "Host it".
Highlight and select the "Image url:" code (Control-C)
Then go up and click on "Insert Image" (the next icon to the right of "Host an Image")
Paste (Control-V) into that box and hit OK.
Preview it and do it all over again if the size is too big or small based on the resolution you picked.

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by terjung Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:23 am

I guess I was too slow to the punch. Thanks, Ben.

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by cmike7878 Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:26 am

what is the best way to tell the card is a fake

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by arandy Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:30 am

I am no expert but I think the colors on the front are too strong for it to be a real card.


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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by terjung Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:39 am

A larger scan would help a lot, but two things jump out at me. The first is the color. Is it really that green instead of blue or is it just a bad scan?

Second, and more important, Planks don't come in a Piedmont 350-460 back (regardless of whether Factory 25 or 42).
Piedmont 150 is theoretically possible, but a 350-460 is not unless I am mistaken.

Planks are most commonly found in one of the Sweet Caporal backs (Sweet Caporal 150 - Factory 25 and Sweet Caporal 350 - Factory 30). It is also theoretically possible in a Sweet Caporal 150 - Factory 30 back as well.

Having said that, there are far greater experts on T206 than me here, so I will defer to their expertise.


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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by fisherboy7 Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:45 am

In addition to what Brian said (correctly) about the Piedmont back, two things stand out:

The color: authentic T206 Planks are a solid blue color. Yours appears to be a murky green/blue with a glossy finish.

The font type: authentic t206's have a brownish font color and distinct font type. Your Plank's font on the name/team is solid black and more of a boxy style, typically what you'd see on t206 reprints. Small difference (especially with the scan size), but the more t206's you view, the better you become at deciphering these kinds of details.

Here's a scan of an authentic T206 Plank for comparison:

t206 plank is my card real?? 4

ps. Welcome to the forum.

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by terjung Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:52 am

The SC 150 and the SC 350 fronts look slightly different from each other though.
The 350s are more muted in color and the 150s appear much sharper and crisper.
Again, there is no substitute to gaining experience by examining authentic ones in hand.

Hopefully this info helps. Sorry that the news wasn't better for you.

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

Post by crazylocomerk Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:50 pm

Great explanation fellas!!

Sorry it turned out to be a fake.

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t206 plank is my card real?? Empty Re: t206 plank is my card real??

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