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Is this card real?

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Is this card real? Empty Is this card real?

Post by r337man Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:38 am

Look at the color of the back print after clicking on the image and blowing it up. The print should be blue but looks black to me. May just be the scan.


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Is this card real? Empty Re: Is this card real?

Post by r337man Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:48 am

If someone writes me that it is real because it is graded, well then I will just have to retire from this board as well.

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Is this card real? Empty Well...

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:57 am

many times when a card is scanned it may lose the correct color. Also, if a scan is adjusted to fix flaws or focus then it may affect color. I am in no way an expert but it has happen to me before.
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Is this card real? Empty Re: Is this card real?

Post by sabrjay Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:36 am

That front really does look weird, but the back looks good. I'd like to see it in person to make a final judgement.


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Is this card real? Empty Re: Is this card real?

Post by scott elkins Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:26 am

Though I have only owned a handful of A&G cards over the years, the back looks good to me as well. It might be this seller's scans that are messing with your view of the card Dan. Like yourself, I have seen SEVERAL FAKES in PSA holders in the past - even some of the more obvious M101-4/5's with the wide space between the black line and the photo! I even posted on the Aimoo board a PSA 5 M101-5 Thorpe that made it past PSA and Mastro and was listed in a Mastro catalog (I still have that catalog here somewhere, along with the clearly re-backed PSA 2 Drum Cobb that was in a Mastro catalog as well).

You won't get too many here telling you a card is definitely REAL b/c it has been graded Dan, we have been around long enough and seen things to know better! beer

Heck, on the Aimoo board, I even had a thread were I detailed the back of the famous PSA 8 Wagner - showing the small blue lines on the Piedmont reverse of that card, where they were bunch together (like a copy) and compared that back with a real Piedmont 150 back where there was clear seperation between the little blue lines - still some insisted the card is real and NOT an early copy/reprint, so to each his/her own! You KNOW which side of this argument I would be on Dan (if there was an argument about fakes in PSA holders!). :king:

scott elkins

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