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baseball during the National

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baseball during the National Empty baseball during the National

Post by nolemmings Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:08 pm

We're 4 1/2 months away from the National in Chicago, and I was wondering if there is any interest in seeing a game or two while there. The White Sox host the Yankees Wednesday and Thursday but then leave town. The Cubs arrive home to host the Reds Friday and Saturday afternoons (Sunday too for those still around) . I would not mind seeing one of each--had a blast watching the Orioles this past season. My thought is that tickets will be tough for either series, and we need to act soon. Anyone game?
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baseball during the National Empty Re: baseball during the National

Post by sabrjay Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:05 pm

If I went to a game, it would have to be Sunday and would need 2 tix.

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