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Cool Silk Pillow Case

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Cool Silk Pillow Case Empty Cool Silk Pillow Case

Post by arandy Tue May 27, 2008 8:29 pm

Your'e probably thinkin I'm crazy for posting a thread about a pillow case. And you might be right!

Anyway, I found a pillow case on ebay made of sport and non-sport tobacco silks! It looks hand made. My guess is this was made during the Geat Dpression. That would be awesome to sleep on your baseball card collection!

Here's the LINK.


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Cool Silk Pillow Case Empty Re: Cool Silk Pillow Case

Post by zouraspm Wed May 28, 2008 12:31 pm

Hey the auction's not over yet. That's what I love about this board, no worries about people getting on your case about outing an auction.

You'd spend a lot of man hours unstitching the individual silks if you were buying it to flip. I know someone who did that with the little pennants and I don't think it paid off for him.
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Cool Silk Pillow Case Empty Re: Cool Silk Pillow Case

Post by fisherboy7 Wed May 28, 2008 3:51 pm

That's pretty neat. Sometimes you'll see the silks sewn into a blanket too. It would be a mistake to unstitch them and attempt to sell them individually - I doubt they'd have much value with stitch holes. Besides, they're relics from days past that should be kept together in my opinion. Same with the old trunks that have tobacco cards shellacked inside. Scrapbooks are another story though as the cards can often be soaked off successfully.

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Cool Silk Pillow Case Empty Re: Cool Silk Pillow Case

Post by sabrjay Wed May 28, 2008 9:50 pm

they are usually more valuable kept together as collectors of old textile items and collectors of Americana will bid on these. Take it apart and you lose those potential buyers


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