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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index)

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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Empty in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index)

Post by cccc Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:41 pm

in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Vbbc.forumotion
Website Value Check

good to know everyone will be getting an equal share Very Happy . i couldn't bring up the unique visits here but it's interesting to see which major auction houses gets the most hits etc in case you're thinking of consigning (like legendary still gets 3x the amount of views goodwin does)....or psa gets 14x over sgc with all their divisions.

according to the index our board gets 15-20% of traffic from SE Asia which i'm personally taking full credit for with all my ambassador work over there Smile
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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 100in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Right_bar_bleue

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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Empty Re: in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index)

Post by TheRiddler Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:39 pm

So by this do you mean that we would be better off with a green background, rather than the blue which we have been using?

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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Right_bar_bleue

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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Empty Re: in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index)

Post by jebren72 Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:06 pm

That cracks me up how even gaybloggen.com is at $12,650! Maybe you need a Men on Men section of the site lol

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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Right_bar_bleue

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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Empty Re: in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index)

Post by cccc Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:39 am

sportscardforum.com gets gets some of the highest unique hits/visitors per day in our little universe. can the mods here start talk with them about a merger? if not we can muscle them out and do a hostile takeover with our resources Smile
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Hall of Famer

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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 100in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Right_bar_bleue

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in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index) Empty Re: in case we need to divide the loot...(HQ Index)

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