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Capacity of image hosting feature

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Capacity of image hosting feature Empty Capacity of image hosting feature

Post by jmk59 Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:52 pm

Hey guys,

I've been uploading images using the built-in image hoster like nobody's business. Is there a limit to how many, will it tell me when I get close, will they expire after a certain time to create more room, and is there a way I can clear it out if I need more space?

I don't even know where exactly they go to be hosted so I can watch the capacity constraints. I just keep uploading and figure one of these days it's going to say "No Mas".

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Capacity of image hosting feature Empty Re: Capacity of image hosting feature

Post by fisherboy7 Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:59 pm


The capacity of the image host is unlimited. I've investigated this in fear of running out of space and I'm now certain that won't happen.

You can manage the images in your servimg account at https://servimg.com

All you have to do is log in with the username/password that you registered with.

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Capacity of image hosting feature Empty Re: Capacity of image hosting feature

Post by sabrjay Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:27 pm

you can also use photobucket. I never really used to use it until Lee and I closed our internet business and didn't our business site anymore to store pictures. Charter give us about 20m, but it didn't take long to fill that up. Photobucket is great because you can easily set up custom albums and copying links for posting here is a breeze


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