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1936 Overland Candy stock

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1936 Overland Candy stock Empty 1936 Overland Candy stock

Post by aupt Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:41 pm

A correspondent has sent me an example of a half a dozen Overland (R301) cards he recently bought. I suspect they're fake, since the sample he sent in printed on greenish stock about the consistency of the colored construction paper we used in school in the 1950s. It's also only the player portion of the "wrapper."

Can anybody give me a verbal description of the real thing? The Standard Catalog says it is "waxy."

Thnks much!

Bob Lemke

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 19
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1936 Overland Candy stock Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001936 Overland Candy stock Right_bar_bleue

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