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card stock 1914 cj's

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card stock 1914 cj's Empty card stock 1914 cj's

Post by t206head Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:02 pm

I have never owned any 1914 cracker jacks. I got one in the mail from a ebay win and do not think it can be real it seems way to thin any advice would be great thank you BOB

Posts : 343
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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue6 / 1006 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue

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card stock 1914 cj's Empty Re: card stock 1914 cj's

Post by fisherboy7 Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:31 pm

Hey Bob, good news. You'd be in trouble if your CJ wasn't on thin stock. All CJ's are extremely thin, almost paper thin. I remember being surprised by that too when I acquired my first CJ.

So based on the stock yours is on, I can say with almost 100% certainty that yours is authentic. Maybe post a scan if you have one handy for confirmation.

Posts : 4290
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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue


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card stock 1914 cj's Empty stock

Post by t206head Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:46 pm

dude thank god, I spent way to much and was freaking out. Any way heres a scan of my first and only cj card stock 1914 cj's Sc0a3e10

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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue6 / 1006 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue

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card stock 1914 cj's Empty Re: card stock 1914 cj's

Post by fisherboy7 Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:57 pm

That's a sweet looking, 100% authentic CJ you got there Bob. What a great looking set huh? Congrats!

bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny

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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue


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card stock 1914 cj's Empty Re: card stock 1914 cj's

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:13 pm

One of my favorite sets, but have always held off trying for the set because of the Wagner and Joe Jackson, and the really expensive Matty. I did buy a reprint set which I enjoy because of the writings on the backs.

The thinness of the stock makes it amazing these cards ever stayed in decent shape.

Here is a card that will never part from my collection:

card stock 1914 cj's Cjmack11

And my favorite pose on a baseball card:

card stock 1914 cj's Cjclar10

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

Posts : 3106
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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue53 / 10053 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue

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card stock 1914 cj's Empty Re: card stock 1914 cj's

Post by t206head Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:05 pm

Hay I just want to thank the forum. You guys always have that bit of info that answers most questions. I read most posts on net 54 but they tend to get a little nasty and off topic over there, any way I dont post over there just out of respect for full count so keep up the friendly chat BOB

Posts : 343
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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue6 / 1006 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue

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card stock 1914 cj's Empty Re: card stock 1914 cj's

Post by crazylocomerk Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:26 pm

Congrats Bob, on your new acquisition. That's a nice Tinker!

With regards to the card stock, is it similar to thickness of T216 Kotton Type 3's?

Posts : 2742
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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue12 / 10012 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue

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card stock 1914 cj's Empty Re: card stock 1914 cj's

Post by 3-2-count Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:35 am

Bob, that's a beauty. I've never understood why 14's do not command an even bigger premium over the 15's.
They're so much tougher and condition sensative. Congrat's,

Tony A.
Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue18 / 10018 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue


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card stock 1914 cj's Empty Re: card stock 1914 cj's

Post by bowlingshoeguy Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:16 am

If memory serves me right, the 14's were only issued in the Cracker jacks and the 15's were in the Cracker Jacks plus could be ordered through the mail. thus the 15's have a better chance of no caramel stains..

I still would love to own one of the albums.


P.S. Tony, Did you ever style your hair like Tinkers. afro
Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

Posts : 3106
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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue53 / 10053 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue

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card stock 1914 cj's Empty Re: card stock 1914 cj's

Post by 3-2-count Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:32 am

bowlingshoeguy wrote: P.S. Tony, Did you ever style your hair like Tinkers. afro

Hi Lee. I actually have a mild Julius Ceaser flip in the front, but nothing like the horns of Tinker.
He did have a unique "DOO", didn't he?
Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

Posts : 511
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card stock 1914 cj's Left_bar_bleue18 / 10018 / 100card stock 1914 cj's Right_bar_bleue


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