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100K for these autographs

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100K for these autographs Empty 100K for these autographs

Post by TheBig6 Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:51 pm

What do you think of this offering.
Are they legit? and if so, what would be their real worth?

2001 Legendary Cuts 5 Cut Auto Ruth Cobb Wagner 1/1
The Relic
The Relic

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100K for these autographs Empty Re: 100K for these autographs

Post by sabrjay Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:55 pm

That's one crappy Ruth sig, even if it is real. No way is that $100k item. You can go buy those sigs yourself for much less. I love the quote "This card single handedly changed card collecting in the 21st century." insane


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100K for these autographs Empty Re: 100K for these autographs

Post by Bicem Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:55 am

I love how you still have to throw in 20 bucks for shipping.
Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

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100K for these autographs Empty Re: 100K for these autographs

Post by bowlingshoeguy Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:28 am

I think the only real chance to sell this would be through a major auction. I agree that Ruth sig is really blah. I don't think $21 will get a $100,000 item to me without alot of question marks. Heck if I sold something for $100,000 I probably would personally deliver it.

Autographs have always been a major question mark if you did not personally see the item signed.

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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100K for these autographs Empty $20 for shipping!

Post by Art Tatum Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:42 am

Yes! They make profit on that as well! Razz

Art Tatum
Minor Leaguer
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100K for these autographs Empty Re: 100K for these autographs

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