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t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly

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t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly Empty t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly

Post by zouraspm Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:49 pm

What can I expect to pay for any one of the five listed? Is it in the $750, $1250, $1500, or $2000 range?

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t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly Empty Re: t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly

Post by cccc Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:00 pm

by chance i clicked on the right auction my 2nd time:


these were alot nicer
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t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly Empty Re: t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly

Post by glenv Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:06 pm

Hard to say. A couple of years ago, Lipset auctioned a large group of T4s. Many sold in the 2-3K range. I thought they would go higher, but once the type collectors knock off their type, there can't be many people that collect T4s (completing a set would be next to impossible). There are probably a few type collectors that didn't want to spend a lot of money in Lipset's auction, so with these lower grade cards, it would be a good chance for them to get one - maybe in the 1-2K range? Of course, if a couple people decide they have to have them, throw any estimate out the window...

Last edited by glenv on Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly Empty Re: t4 obak cabinets in 19thcenturyonly

Post by ullmandds Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:32 pm

I pretty much agree w/Glenn. I won one in Lipset's auction a few years ago...for about 3K...and thought I got a pretty good deal. I'd guess even with the bad economy...in excellent shape they should sell for over 2K each. If condition is less...you may be able to pick one up for less.

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