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Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles

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Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles Empty Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles

Post by ItsOnlyGil Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:16 am

have opened the door in the eyes of the public:
Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles Diamnd11
And the time for the t206 centennial is upon us.

I'd bet that it took a bit of research into our hobby to come up with that stamp. I'd also bet there is no love lost between philately and numismatics. Afterall, stamp collecting started long before the US Mint was operating. Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles Keefen10

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Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles Empty Re: Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles

Post by ItsOnlyGil Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:24 am

Oh wait. The Mint was producing coins in 1793. Maybe they did come first.

Posts : 1145
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Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Don't drop the ball, our colleagues in paper collectibles Right_bar_bleue

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