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eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig?

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eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Empty eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig?

Post by BigGuy219 Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:39 am

This doesn't look right to me. What do you guys think?


eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? 7dbd_1
All-Time Greats Champion

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eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Right_bar_bleue

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eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Empty Re: eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig?

Post by TheBig6 Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:33 am

I don't know, The guy is selling AC/DC Boxer shorts & Snoopy Lunchboxes and comes up with 3 Monster cards. Looks fishy to me, not to mention his Me page where he talks about flea markets. I wouldn't go near them.

Bigguy, Your 3 Finger Brown Avatar, freeks me out.
Somebody should have told Mordecai
You better be careful ,you'll will draw back a Nub
The Relic
The Relic

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eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Left_bar_bleue27 / 10027 / 100eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Right_bar_bleue


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eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Empty Re: eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig?

Post by fisherboy7 Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:56 pm

Not a fake label. What you see there is a first generation PSA holder. They've since updated the flip with a different font, which is why the old Gehrig flip looks odd. The card is likely just fine.

Posts : 4290
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eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Right_bar_bleue


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eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig? Empty Re: eBay: Fake label on '33 Goudey Gehrig?

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