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E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910?

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E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Empty E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910?

Post by DeanH4 Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:39 pm

Hello all,

I'm more of a lurker both here and over across the street. I posed this question there and did not get much response. I'll pose the question here to try and stimulate some conversation. :)I noticed on the Cobb card from these sets they list his position as C.F. I checked a reference site and he did not begin to play C.F. full time until 1910. Before that he primarily played R.F. Is it reasonable to conclude these were actually issued after the start of the 1910 season? Thanks in advance.

I just realized I did not check the archive yet. I probably should have looked there first. My apologies if this has been covered already.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Right_bar_bleue

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E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Empty Re: E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910?

Post by sabrjay Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:27 am

No worries, we are happy to go over old ground, but I don't think this has been covered before. Lots of people do not make use of the archives, so no worries.

e92/e101/e102ss are listed as being issued from 1909 but when I check the player list the thing that struck me is that not one player changed teams from 1909-10.

Doc Casey, 3B Brooklyn appeared in the e9 and e101 sets and is a mystery as to why he is in the set as his career ended in 1907. The set can't be from 1907 as their are several players who were not playing for the team listed (not unusual) or not even in the league yet. Not unusual either as seen in the t207.

Other player positions, most likely OFs, would need to be checked more closely, but given that Cobb was a RF in 1909 and then moved to CF in 1910 there is no reason think that set isn't from 1910.

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E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Empty Re: E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910?

Post by r337man Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:01 pm

I would like to add that you have to be careful of the references that are available to us.  I know there has been several errors found with the Baseball Almanac online.

So yes, I think it is a great idea to look into other players to see if we can pin down a 1910 date.

I had to do this with my Washington Times cards before I did the article for Old Cardboard.  I had one player that ended his career in 1910 so a 1911 issue date was out of the question.  I also had a player that started his career in 1910 which ruled out a 1909 issue date.  Hence the pinpointed date of 1910.  Unless of course they were issued over a multi year span. 

Thanks for the post!


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E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Right_bar_bleue

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E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Empty Re: E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910?

Post by sabrjay Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:56 pm

I used B-R as a back up reference. I have a number of great books which I prefer to use. One of them, The Sports Encyclopedia of Baseball is broken down by year and team roster, so doing a search for something like this really easy with that book.

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E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910? Empty Re: E92/E101/E102 's actually 1910?

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