Full Count Vintage Baseball Card Forum
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Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within)

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Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Empty Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within)

Post by fisherboy7 Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:38 pm

Back home for the summer soon, looking to trade for Chief Bender cards, all types, the scarcer the better. Need most. Have the bait below to offer + others. If you have any nice Bender cards you'd be willing to part with please PM me or email to benfisher77(at)gmail(dot)com


Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) E90-1youngWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) SPCKELLYWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) E93WaddellWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) E90-1%20LajoieWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) M116waddellWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) W600klingWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) T206WaddellWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) E103brown


Posts : 4290
Trader Points :
Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Right_bar_bleue


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Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Empty Re: Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within)

Post by fisherboy7 Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:34 pm

this thread spent about 5 minutes at the top, so quick bump for anyone who missed it.


Posts : 4290
Trader Points :
Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Right_bar_bleue


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Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Empty Re: Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within)

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:32 pm

More Trade Bait

Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) N162kellyWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) 1910%20E99%20Bodie%20-%20PSA%203FWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) E96mackWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) 1909-11%20T206%20Johnson%20_Portrait_%20-%20SGC%2020FWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) CrowleysWanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) D304%20Bender

Posts : 4290
Trader Points :
Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Right_bar_bleue


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Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Empty Re: Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within)

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:07 am

Still seeking Bender cards to add to my player set. Targeting cards in SGC 30-50 range. Need most, please PM if you've got something that might be of interest! Thanks.

Posts : 4290
Trader Points :
Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Right_bar_bleue


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Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within) Empty Re: Wanted: Chief Bender cards (trade bait within)

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