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Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22)

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Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22) Empty Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22)

Post by Bosox Blair Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:41 am

Anyone follow this auction? Score any lots?

I was following a limited number of lots, but my impression was that the prices realized were very healthy...some quite high. Pre-war hockey went extremely high, I thought.

Any other impressions? If the rest of the auction got strong prices like the lots I tracked, this could be a good indicator of big prices to come in REA too...and a market upswing in 2011...

Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

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Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22) Empty Re: Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22)

Post by jbonie Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:29 pm

Yes the prices have been high and the market seems to be looking up.

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Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22) Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 100Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22) Right_bar_bleue

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Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22) Empty Re: Heritage Auction (Closed April 21-22)

Post by BigGuy219 Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:07 pm

I'm definately seeing higher bids as well. Anyone who thinks the economy is bad just needs to talk to the anonymous collector who just dropped $193k on the Goodwin Plank, or the folks going back and forth on the REA T210 Joe Jackson.

Personally I never felt this 'recession,' or whatever it was, because I work in customer service. The worse things are, the more upset people tend to get, and the more I am needed. However, I personally don't know anyone from my college days that lost a job, took a paycut, or had tought luck on a house.

However, I do live in Florida where things are a mess all around me. I'm going to be very diplomatic about this, because I don't want to get too political on a baseball card forum. But, from at least what I've seen, this has been a self-made recession. People dug their own graves over-spending, and taking on mortgages for houses they couldn't afford. They expected to be making more money in the future (foolish!) and modified their mortgages for lower payments now, higher in the future, just so they could have that walk in closet.
All-Time Greats Champion

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