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Jack Quinn odd career

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Jack Quinn odd career Empty Jack Quinn odd career

Post by sabrjay Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:39 pm

I was just looking at Jack Quinn's career. Very odd career to say the least. Didn't break into the majors until he was 25 but hung around until he was 49. He won 96 games after the age of 40 and still didn't win 300 career games. His best season was 1914 when he won 26 games. The following year he turned around and lost 22 games. He was 18-7 when he was 43 years old. Definitely an odd career path.

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Jack Quinn odd career Empty Re: Jack Quinn odd career

Post by pariah1107 Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:10 pm

Did Jack Quinn go to college? If he did it's likely he played pro ball under an alias to maintain his amateur status. The best example of this I can find is Larry Kopf, played under the name "Fred Brady" 1910-1913. Then played under Larry, or Billy Kopf for the next nine years of his professional career (helped the Reds win the controversial 1919 series).

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Jack Quinn odd career Empty Re: Jack Quinn odd career

Post by sabrjay Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:23 pm

If that is the case, then no one at SABR has been able to find out what his alias was.

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Jack Quinn odd career Empty Re: Jack Quinn odd career

Post by cccc Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:33 pm

did he have a specialty pitch? unless you're nolan ryan i don't see guys in their 40's getting big league hitters out with just regular stuff. almost tempted to call HGH on this one Smile
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Jack Quinn odd career Empty Re: Jack Quinn odd career

Post by pariah1107 Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:47 pm

He was a spitballer, grandfathered in with the others in 1920. He went by the names Jack Quinn, John Picus, and Jan Pajkos. I don't see any mention of him before 1909.

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