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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which

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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Empty Kellogg or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which

Post by ItsOnlyGil Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:49 pm

do you prefer - or is it another?

Here is my vote, based solely on the cupcake - which is #1 for me!

Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Cupcak10

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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Right_bar_bleue

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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Empty Re: Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which

Post by terjung Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:38 am

More of a vintage ho-ho kind of guy, myself. I got side tracked for a little while when Little Debbie twin packed her Swiss Rolls for a lot cheaper. After getting used to them, I went back and had a ho-ho and realized how much better they were than the Swiss Rolls.

Oh wait, you mean baseball cards? My bad... I forgot where I was.

As for Kellogg's, all I can remember from that time frame are their 3D cards... and I don't remember them being cut outs. I like them better than the Hostess, but if we are sticking only to strip / panel cut outs from the 70s, I guess I have to go with Hostess since I can't picture any others.

Posts : 935
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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Right_bar_bleue

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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Empty Re: Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which

Post by hrbaker Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:17 pm

Cupcakes it is, especially after they changed the Ding Dongs to King Dons!

Posts : 332
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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Right_bar_bleue

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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Empty Re: Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which

Post by sabrjay Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:05 pm

I like the Kellogg's 3D cards. Thought they were so cool. I know I tore few apart trying to figure out how they did it. I'm sure Lee and I got into more than few fights over who got the card from the box.


Posts : 7818
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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Right_bar_bleue


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Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which Empty Re: Kellog or Hostess cut out panel cards from the 70s - which

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