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REA auction

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REA auction Empty REA auction

Post by sabrjay Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:21 am

As usual, Rob has put together an amazing auction. To me, the highlight of the the Jim Creighton photo. If I had the money, that is the one piece I would be go after in this auction.

If you could bid on only one item in the REA auction, what would it be? I realize the whole auction isn't available yet for viewing but all the best pieces are listed on the REA site right now

REA highlight


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REA auction Empty Re: REA auction

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:13 am

I am waiting to see what the Merkle ball will get.....just a guess but i bet the final price is $125,000.

And in the future collectors will say that's a bargain....

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FC NCAA Bracket Champ

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REA auction Empty Re: REA auction

Post by TheRiddler Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:07 am

Unless there is something flying under the radar, and it is my guess that there is, I would bank my money for next time; because all of the "highlights" are just off by a smidge for my taste.
The n172 California card is a SF issue. My tastes prefer Oakland - because the images from there appear more "Western" to me. https://vbbc.forumotion.com/19th-century-cards-f16/old-judge-california-league-t308.htm
I think it is the TV cowboy style buildings vs. a stadium in the player's backgrounds.
The Just So Ewing is inspiring.
And although "A Little Pretty Pocketbook" is an 18th century work, and important to the hobby; if I was to dive into the five figure area for documentation, REA auction Oldboo10 I'd prefer one which provided additional insight into the Massachusettes Game or, failing that, a comparison of the variants which existed in Mass, NY, Phila., and Ohio prior to the Knickerbockers establishing the game before the Civil War ended.
So, I will hold off my drooling for a bit longer, until additional detail is available.

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REA auction Empty Re: REA auction

Post by cmoking Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:46 pm

I'm looking forward to seeing the non-highlights --- since those are the ones that I could reasonably think about winning. The highlight stuff are not even worth a thought, cool stuff though.

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REA auction Empty Re: REA auction

Post by sabrjay Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:22 pm

The non-highlights are great to check out too, but anything with Jim Creighton is so rare that it's the showstopper for me. The Merkle ball is right there and more people would recognize the significance of the ball, but Creighton was the first superstar of the game.

As with any REA auction, many of the non-highlights are just as cool or even better than the highlights.


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