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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by psacollector Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:27 pm

I can't wait to get the REA catalog. It looks like it is going to be an awesome auction.

Here is the article from the PSA website:

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Boy does it ever sound amazing...

Post by fisherboy7 Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:36 pm

Here are a few quotes from the article that got my heart thumping...

Another highly significant group of rare cards offered are sixty-six different E107 1903 Breisch-Williams cards, the largest selection of these rarities to ever be presented at auction individually.

So the (66) e107's will be offered individually? Looking forward to seeing which players are included.

an astounding new find of thirty-six 1909 and 1910 Clement Bros. Bread cards including Addie Joss and several previously unknown cards to the set.

A 36 card find of Clement Bros cards is HUGE. And both the oval ('09) and square framed ('10) varieties are included. Can't wait to see the Joss card!

An 1904 Allegheny Card Co. Christy Mathewson Graded EX-MT 6 by PSA (res. $2,500)

drool drool

The newly-discovered 1933 R306 Butter Cream Confectionery of Babe Ruth, graded VG-EX 4 by PSA, is another extraordinary highlight item in the sale. This is a card that virtually no one has ever even seen. It is so rare that even the image of this card has never appeared in a guide or ever appeared in an auction catalog. One of card collecting�s most interesting and legendary rarities, it is believed that only one other example exists (res. $10,000). The R306 Ruth is expected to sell for many times this modest reserve, though it is so rare it is impossible for REA to provide a meaningful estimate.

Will be interesting to see what the Butter Cream Ruth fetches. Probably the first time most (if not all) of us have seen this card.

Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Ruth_031208

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by hanksta Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:23 pm

I think in the last Old Cardboard they had an ad with the Clement Bros. Bread cards(looked amazing), I will try to scan it tonight.

Boy I wish I had a few grand around.

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty E107 cards...

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:33 pm

I beleive those cards are all Jonathan's cards, a lawyer from Beverly Hills. Two i sold him should be in there. Seems like Jonathan is cashing out. I would bet that they will be sold individually and NOT as a group.

I think he is going at it the wrong way, should have sold them slowly over time but maybe he needs the cash.

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by hanksta Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:47 pm

I agree Mark; anyone looking to pick up a E107 or Clement Bros. Bread card will probably save a little bit, and with that many E107s I would think that would kind of shock the value of them for a while.

I'm not sure what auction house it was, but didn't they sell 10 or more Cracker Jack Cobbs at once? Did have any effect on the price?


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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty your right Sean....

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:04 pm

when there are that many cards for sale the supply and demand factor favors a buyer.

I will be bidding on a bunch just to see if i get them cheap. Of course thats if there are no T204 Sqaure frames.

FC NCAA Bracket Champ
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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by sabrjay Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:09 pm

I don't think the e107s will be hurt too much. I know at least 3 people that are making half hearted attempts to put the set together. There is sure to be plenty of overlap and if they are serious about completing the set, they will be hot after the cards they need.

The Clement cards are different. It's not a set that people chase. Most settle for a type or they try to get their favorite player. This is where you will see a price hit as long as you aren't looking for a HOFer or popular common player.


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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by Bicem Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:37 pm

the e107's WILL all be sold as individual cards, and there are only a handful of HOFer's in the bunch -- Flick, McGinnity, Chesbro, Collins and Delahanty (type 2) if I recall correctly. John Freund told me that only about 10 of the e107's are his, but who knows...
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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by Bicem Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:43 pm

hanksta wrote:

I'm not sure what auction house it was, but didn't they sell 10 or more Cracker Jack Cobbs at once? Did have any effect on the price?


Hunt Auctions, and the prices were VERY strong.
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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty strange...

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:13 pm

why would Jonathan sell only 10 E107 cards?

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by Bicem Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:57 pm

Square_Frame_Ramly wrote:why would Jonathan sell only 10 E107 cards?


no idea, maybe b/c he didn't want to flood the market?

Just telling you what he told me in an email when I asked him if the large offering of e107's coming up in REA were his.
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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty yea...

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:03 pm

I guess your right.

I talked to him a few times last year and he is a very nice guy. Considering he's a lawyer flaglol

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Clement Cards

Post by amilne Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:31 pm

The Clement Cards are part of my families' collectioin. My great uncle gave them to us years ago and they have sat in a bank vault since. Being Rochester natives, the cards never left the area, and only recently did my father decide to move forward and sell the entire thing. All of our baseball cards will be in the REA auction, and we are anxiously awaiting the results

Minor Leaguer
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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by fisherboy7 Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:41 pm

amilne wrote:The Clement Cards are part of my families' collectioin. My great uncle gave them to us years ago and they have sat in a bank vault since. Being Rochester natives, the cards never left the area, and only recently did my father decide to move forward and sell the entire thing. All of our baseball cards will be in the REA auction, and we are anxiously awaiting the results

Wow, this is really special! Can you give us any more details about the cards? How were they stored? What kind of condition are they in? Did your great uncle ever tell you anything about them, and was he a big baseball fan? Thanks for sharing righton

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by sabrjay Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:49 pm

Very cool stuff. It's always interesting to see original owner finds. I persoanlly find those collections far more interesting than modern collectors simply because it gives you insight to a simpler time when people collected purely for the love the game and the players. I frugal as my family is as far not wasting stuff and not throwing away things if they were still useful, my family never managed to keep anything that remotely a collectable.


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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Clement Cards

Post by amilne Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:06 am

He had told us how he had collected and traded them when he first came to this country from Scotland as a boy. Years later, my little brother and I collected football cards in the 70's and the collection was brought up. One day my Dad came home with a big paper bag, filled with tobacco boxes, and a couple thousand cards. Better than half were baseball cards, and these are all in the auction. So are some boxing. The rest are a varied lot that we are still planning to sell, but haven't had time to fully go through (Just about anything from the 1909-1912 non-baseball groups)

My uncle never married, but always looked out for my family as if we were his own. The cards stayed for many years in his basement fruit cellar in Rochester---Cool and low humity for the most part. Never really been handled much in the last or say 90 years, since my Dad quickly locked them away. He took them to a local guy once in Rochester who offered him $3000 for all of the cards, and he decided to wait. Many of the pictures on Old Cardboard of the Clements are ours. Some of the collection is as follows:

t206 - 356 cards
t205 - 201 cards
e91 - 56 cards
e101 - 3
d359 - 11
t201 - 3
t202 - 23
380 and 380-1--36

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by fisherboy7 Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:11 am

Thanks so much for sharing, amilne. That's fantastic. I love hearing about stuff like that, as I'm sure most of us here do. Thank your dad many times over for not accepting that $3000 offer, that wouldn't have been a good move at all. I'm sure you are going to be very pleased with the results on your REA lots! bow

ps. any idea when/where you'll be selling those d359's?

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by TheBig6 Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:41 am

Good Luck in your sales, I'm sure you made the right choice with REA.
New Vintage cards coming into the hobby is a very good thing.
The Relic
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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by Jacklitsch Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:54 am

The last three or four Clements that sold on ebay a year or so ago went very strong. Keith Olberman was the buyer.

So, if we have any hope of getting one as a type it will have to be one he already has.

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by sabrjay Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:10 am

With Kieth O involved, nothing will go cheap. Not sure if he upgrades, but I suspect he does, so you'll have to hope that already has it and in better shape. This doesn't sound good for those looking for a type card from the information provided by the consignor.

Question for the consignor, how many of the t205s have Hassan backs? I'd assume a fair amount give there are a fair number of t202s


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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by cccc Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:33 pm

very cool stuff! congrats to rob for handling the collection.

good luck to rea and the consignor, hopefully someone else will be willing to dance with KO Smile
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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by scott elkins Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:17 pm

Thanks for sharing info. about the collection with us. This find is amazing - can't wait to see the cards in REA!

Quan, there a couple of big money collectors that, for some reason, simply love to run up the prices on Keith O., and seem to know what he is looking for as well.

scott elkins

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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Great Job Rob, your always a Great worth waiting for

Post by Ken Eccles Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:11 pm

You all will be Winner's in this one. Just the Catalog and it's History is Priceless! Thanks,Rob!!! Ken & Bev

Ken Eccles
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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty Re: Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction!

Post by hanksta Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:24 pm

I remeber bidding on those auctions, I was high bidder on all four at one point at $750 - $1000 each and then with 5 seconds left some guy named Merkle outbid me (I think they sold for around $2000 each), thats when I learned who he was.

I think they were all oval versions and the condition was fair/poor for the cards.


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Amazing cards in REA's May 2008 auction! Empty REA Auction is up

Post by amilne Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:43 am

Well folks, our time has come. The REA Auction is now up. For those interested, our lots are :

215 1909-1911 T206 White Borders Collection (273)
256 Circa 1910 T205 and T206 Tobacco Card Collection (142)
316 1910-Era Tobacco and Candy Card Collection (96)
323 1910 D380 Clement Bros. Bread Addie Joss
324 1910 D380 Clement Bros. Bread SGC-Graded Collection (8)
325 1909 D380-1 Clement Bros. Bread Complete Set (8)
326 1910 D380 Clement Bros. Bread Major Leaguer Collection (4)
327 1910 D380 Clement Bros. Bread SGC-Graded Collection (4)
328 1909 and 1910 D380 Clement Bros. Bread SGC-Graded Collection (11)
329 1911 D359 Rochester Baking Collection SGC-Graded (12)
391 1911 T205 Gold Border R. Hoblitzell - No Stats Variation
404 1911 T205 Gold Borders Partial Set (167 Different)

Looking forward to see what happens

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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