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collecting software

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collecting software Empty collecting software

Post by killerer1 Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:35 am

I am looking a software program that I can use to catalog my baseball cards. I have a new i Mac 10.6 and can not use the Collection Explorer program that I used on my PC. Can anyone help?

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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collecting software Empty Re: collecting software

Post by crazylocomerk Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:05 am

Could you use Microsoft excel to catalog your collection? I've seen where collectors have made spreadsheets with the card and they were also able to link in images of each card with listings. Do you mean something like that? And I assume you can used microsoft office on a Mac, but I could be wrong.

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collecting software Empty Re: collecting software

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:56 pm

Are you familiar with the Vintage Card Prices (VCP) website? They have a feature called "my VCP" that allows you to catalog your collection as well as follow pricing trends. I don't use VCP because it's for graded cards only (80% of my collection is raw) but many people do. It's also a pay site and it ain't cheap (17.99/mo or 179.99/yr), so if you're just looking for a simple cataloging software, then Microsoft Excel is probably the way to go here.

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collecting software Empty Re: collecting software

Post by smtjoy Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:50 pm

I use the VCP my collection for all my cards at 1155 right now (95% of my collection is graded) and I can tell you it's awesome. I can track my collection by catagory or set type and know the amount of money I have spent for each card and for the set as well as showing the current value based on the last sale or the average of the last 5 sales. It's a huge asset for insurance purposes and well worth the cost for me. I also enter some of my raw cards and put them at the grades I think they would be at and just make a note on the entry that the card is raw.

Overall a great way to track your collection.
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