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Where does the market go from here?

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where does the card market go?

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Total Votes : 13

Where does the market go from here? Empty Where does the market go from here?

Post by sabrjay Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:44 am

We've seen the market crash yesterday and today gain back 2/3 of its loss. What are everyone's thoughts on how the card market is going to do?

Personally, I think you are going to start seeing the novice and less fanatical collectors getting out as they will want the money for other things. Die hard collectors will sit on their cards like they did in the early and late 80s when the economy and card markets went south.

I was buying like crazy in the early 80s and was lucky enough to sell off my collection before it bombed around 1991. Doesn't mean I don't wish I had held them instead. Now is definitely a good time buy, but it is also going to be slim picking.

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Where does the market go from here? Empty Re: Where does the market go from here?

Post by crazylocomerk Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:18 am

I agree with everything you say Jay.

The card market will continue to go down. Personally I'm going to be sitting on my cards rather then taking a loss on them. I see slim pickings already, and it will only get slimmer.

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Where does the market go from here? Empty Re: Where does the market go from here?

Post by 3-2-count Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:25 am

My vote was down as well. Not crash, but definitely down.
Great time to buy though......

Tony A.
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Where does the market go from here? Empty Re: Where does the market go from here?

Post by TheBig6 Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:47 am

Cheaper Cardboard will suit me just fine.

Sometimes when conventual (sp.?) Investments go South, Investors look at collectibles as an Alternative. We may see some new money in the hobby also.
The Relic
The Relic

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Where does the market go from here? Empty Re: Where does the market go from here?

Post by bowlingshoeguy Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:54 am

I think that this might be a time again when the investors get back in to cards so you will see a spike in some areas (always tends to happen when the stack market goes south), but I feel the small time guy is the one that is affected the most and won't have the disposible income to buy as many cards.

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