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It is only money

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It is only money Empty It is only money

Post by ItsOnlyGil Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:37 am

But when you are bidding against someone who you know does not care about cost, yet wants to maintain perspective, how much do you overbid? Tonight I went 25% above my perception of the market value - and still lost. We are talking about a three figure purchase here, so either of us could have gone deep.

How much is too much to overbid on a card which you will not see again for quite a while?

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It is only money Empty Re: It is only money

Post by sabrjay Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:47 am

depends on how long you are going to have to wait for another one. With cards like that, price guides really are worthless and if you need it and really want it for your collection, you are basically constrained by your budget and just how badly you really want the card.


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