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Candy Box Cards

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Candy Box Cards Empty Candy Box Cards

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:07 pm

Orange Border
J=K Candy
Baseball Bats
Schapira Bros. Big Show Candy
Darby Chocolates
All Star Baseball Package

As far as I know, there are complete boxes known from most if not all of the above sets. Anyone have scans to share of a complete box from any of these sets? And are there others I'm forgetting?

Scott M (phlflyer) has an amazing near complete All Star Baseball Package set, full sized cards but not the complete boxes if I recall correctly. Scott, would be great to hear some details on them. One interesting thing about them is that they mimic the poses from the T3 set.

Also, I'd love to know what a Philadelphia Caramel box would have looked like. The kind that would have held the packages containing e95's and e96's or even the e79 boxing cards. Anyone know?

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Candy Box Cards Empty Re: Candy Box Cards

Post by glenv Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:23 pm

Not candy, but Wheaties could be included on your list. Also, not part of a box, but Dixie Lids were part of the packaging.

Schapira Brothers Candy had the Ruth cards on the box. I think the Schapira Big Show candy had the cards inside the box.

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Candy Box Cards Empty Re: Candy Box Cards

Post by ItsOnlyGil Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:47 pm

The box was not recognized at first for some of these, much like the subject item.
w555 for example, which were thought to be a strip card.turned out to be a candy product (I believe) distributed in a camera box simulation container.

What was the financial impact of this "discovery" regarding the existing card's origin?
Maybe there was some, but I did not notice any. But I also did and do not own any.


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Candy Box Cards Empty Re: Candy Box Cards

Post by fisherboy7 Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:31 pm

Here's a scan of a complete J=K Candy box that was posted here by Zach a few months ago.

Candy Box Cards J-kscdpic

Anyone have scans/info of other complete (uncut) boxes containing cards? Or any info regarding the Philly Caramel question?

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Candy Box Cards Empty Re: Candy Box Cards

Post by phlflyer1 Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:04 pm

fisherboy7 wrote:
Scott M (phlflyer) has an amazing near complete All Star Baseball Package set, full sized cards but not the complete boxes if I recall correctly. Scott, would be great to hear some details on them.

Hi Ben,

I actually was able to complete the 1910 All Star Baseball set although 2 of the cards are not complete panels.

The short story on that particular set is that the box consists of two players, one from each league, that are listed at the same position.

I am lucky in that eight of the 24 cards were previously unknown to the hobby until I contacted Bob Lemke and had them catalogued in the late 1990s. This includes Cobb and Wagner which are likely 1/1 cards since other examples have yet to appear.

I did a fair amount of research on the set which culminated in an article in the third issue of Old Cardboard magazine. As part of the research, I was put in touch with a gentleman who is a relative of Jimmy Sheckards who has one of the two complete boxes known to the hobby. He was nice enough to allow me to visit with him and this is a picture of the complete box.

Candy Box Cards IMG_0039_Small

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Candy Box Cards Empty These are not candy boxes...

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:23 am

but seem to be cut from an ad piece for the M116 cards. These are showing up more frequent. This lot ended last night....i am NOT the winner but would have loved to own them.

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