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Putting together a 1968 Topps set

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Putting together a 1968 Topps set Empty Putting together a 1968 Topps set

Post by Z-NUT Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:39 pm

Posted this across the street the other day. Going to take a little break from Pre-War for a bit and work on this set. I've been a huge fan of this set since I was a kid. Growing up in the late 80's the card to have was the Ryan/Koosman RC. After years of thinking about it, I've finally decided to take the plunge and put this set together. Started off picking up about 30 commons and 8 HOFers in EX/NM this past month.

What should I expect collecting this set? Are the high numbers real tough? Any advice is appreciated.


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Putting together a 1968 Topps set Empty Re: Putting together a 1968 Topps set

Post by Z-NUT Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:40 pm

Already learned a few things: Centering is a challenge, Lee May is tough, especially centered, and the Tigers players are also difficult.


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Putting together a 1968 Topps set Empty Re: Putting together a 1968 Topps set

Post by sabrjay Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:49 pm

Nothing really hard to in the set relative to other Topps sets. Should be a pretty easy set to finish if you aren't looking for high grades.

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Putting together a 1968 Topps set Empty Re: Putting together a 1968 Topps set

Post by Z-NUT Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:55 pm

I'll be happy if I can keep the set in the EX range. The Mantle and Bench RC are pretty affordable. The Ryan rookie will set me back a few hundred. Not bad for key cards compared to some of the earlier Topps sets.


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