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1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank

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1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank Empty 1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank

Post by sabrjay Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:14 pm

gets a 2 because of a tiny bit of paper loss on the back. $800 shipped. Price is firm. I will consider t205s in trade. Especially need Matty and Johnson.

1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank CJplank 1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank CJplankb


Posts : 7818
Trader Points :
1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 1001915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank Right_bar_bleue


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1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank Empty Re: 1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank

Post by ItsOnlyGil Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:56 pm

Who cares?

Eddie Plank, pitching for the St. Louis Terriers, won his milestone 300th game on September 14, 1915 at St. Louis' Handlan Park, becoming the first 300-game winning lefthander in the history of major league baseball and one of only five as of 2008. However, that milestone was not acknowledged by Major League Baseball until 1968.

I do.

Posts : 1145
Trader Points :
1915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 1001915 Cracker Jacks Eddie Plank Right_bar_bleue

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