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f/s: e95 eddie plank psa 2

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f/s: e95 eddie plank psa 2 Empty f/s: e95 eddie plank psa 2

Post by cccc Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:23 pm

downgraded so selling this one. it was in an sgc20 holder but a previous owner crossed it over to a psa 2. large scans shown below, i think it looks about right in either holder.

$600 delivered. nice card fair price so listing it here first before i move it to the other board.

f/s: e95 eddie plank psa 2 E95plank-1f/s: e95 eddie plank psa 2 E95b
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f/s: e95 eddie plank psa 2 Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 100f/s: e95 eddie plank psa 2 Right_bar_bleue

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