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50's baseball cards

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50's baseball cards Empty 50's baseball cards

Post by cccc Sun May 25, 2008 9:12 am

the 50's to me is the pinnacle of baseball, golden age with williams/dimaggio/mays/mantle etc. the game's gone through evolution of the 19th century to the rube dead-ball era to the babe domination of 20's and 30's to now the grand america's past time in the 50's. even though i collect prewars sometimes i get nostalgic and want to dive into a set of '53 bowman colors or '55 topps big head. not even sure where to begin! collecting prewars for so long it's weird picking up a big modern card.
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50's baseball cards Empty Re: 50's baseball cards

Post by ItsOnlyGil Sun May 25, 2008 10:40 am

I do not collect cards by set. I assemble groupings of cards which have a common theme.
This allows me to select various type cards to display in my theme (or not).
The first set including 50s cards which I assembled was the 20th century 500 club.
The next was ex-negro leaguers who made it to the big leagues. This includes many top 50s stars. And some who only appear on foreign cards.

Whatever you choose, Im sure that you will enjoy these. Good luck.

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50's baseball cards Empty Re: 50's baseball cards

Post by fisherboy7 Mon May 26, 2008 8:47 pm

cccc wrote: even though i collect prewars sometimes i get nostalgic and want to dive into a set of '53 bowman colors or '55 topps big head. not even sure where to begin!

I'm the same way, Quan. I have a '56 topps partial/near set which I really like but haven't been able to finish off. I've also been considering a lowgrade '51 or '52 bowman set for years but have never gotten down to business with it.

I really like the 51/52's because of the great color artwork and size, reminiscent of the earlier tobacco card style.

50's baseball cards 52b196

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50's baseball cards Empty Re: 50's baseball cards

Post by sabrjay Mon May 26, 2008 11:58 pm

I'm partial to the 55 Topps set because it's the first set of cards I put together that was made up of cards thatI didn't collect as a kid. The big draw for to that set was it's small size and the fact that there was no Mantle.

I also the love the 52 Bowman set and wouldn't mind having one.


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50's baseball cards Empty Re: 50's baseball cards

Post by bowlingshoeguy Tue May 27, 2008 2:01 am

I put together a 1957 set that I sold off most of them for part of my down payment on my house. I have had about 2/3 of a 56 set for about 15 years, my favorite Topps set.

50's baseball cards 56tedw10

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50's baseball cards Empty Re: 50's baseball cards

Post by cccc Wed May 28, 2008 6:02 pm

sorry guys just been super busy...probably a good time for a hobby break.

lee that williams is super nice, i remember seeing that smiling pose in an smr way way back. there are alot of cool 50's sets that i will look into.
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50's baseball cards Empty Re: 50's baseball cards

Post by BigGuy219 Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:40 am

I started with fifties cards and later moved into pre-war. I enjoyed mostly collecting the Brooklyn Dodgers, and tried to get a sampling of each set of the decade. I prefer the painted sets, with my favorites being 1950 Bowman and 1954 Bowman.

In fact, I just picked this up today as I cannot afford the Mays RC...

50's baseball cards A6a9_12
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