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Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

scott elkins
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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:56 pm

Little known fact: I am one of the rare uncatalogued players in the E107 Breisch-Williams set:

Are you pictured on any baseball cards? E107ben


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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by onlychild Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:23 pm

Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Ksaucierblacklessoh5
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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by scott elkins Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:07 pm

I kinda look like this guy, if I part my hair. Very Happy

Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Cb_cob10

scott elkins

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by sabrjay Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:49 pm

I'm not on a card, but my son is on a real Wheaties box. I'll have to take a picture of it and post it.


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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by scott elkins Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:46 am

Next time I am at my parents' house, I will have to check and see if my mom has any of my old FB cards left. When I played P-Nut FB, we had our own cards made from our FB pics one year.

scott elkins

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by crazylocomerk Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:36 pm

scott elkins wrote:Next time I am at my parents' house, I will have to check and see if my mom has any of my old FB cards left. When I played P-Nut FB, we had our own cards made from our FB pics one year.

Which of the 4 teams were you on? Very Happy

What was it: Chiefs, Dolphins, Chargers, and .......... I draw a blank on the final team.

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by scott elkins Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:48 pm

The fourth team was the team I was on - The Packers! I still have those patches (somewhere around here) that the players received when we won the Championship (we did twice in my four years playing). Boy, those were the care-free days - huh?

scott elkins

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by scott elkins Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:49 pm

BTW - Which team did you play for Eric? It definitely brings back some great memories - P-Nut FB!

scott elkins

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by crazylocomerk Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:17 pm

scott elkins wrote:BTW - Which team did you play for Eric? It definitely brings back some great memories - P-Nut FB!

Doh....Packers....I should have known that.

I actually never played. I moved to BSG at the start of 6th grade from Michigan. At that time I was all about soccer. I was so disappointed to move down south where I was not able to play. Funny thing is, now I can't stand the sport (soccer that is). I should have just played hockey when I lived in Michigan. It would have made me a lot tougher little kid.

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by crazylocomerk Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:19 pm

scott elkins wrote:The fourth team was the team I was on - The Packers!

Scott, you and I are linked in more ways then one Very Happy

I actually lived in the land of the Packers for about 2 of the 6 years I lived in Wisconsin. I went to grad school in the frozen tundra.

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by scott elkins Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:29 am

Scott, you and I are linked in more ways then one Very Happy

You better not let too many people know that Eric. If they find out you went to the same High School I did, you will have to put up with a ton of "Deliverance jokes". It is nice living in the "Valley" however. I am going to have to take some pics from my front porch and post on here - beautiful mountain view - especially in the Autumn!

scott elkins

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by crazylocomerk Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:45 am

scott elkins wrote:
You better not let too many people know that Eric. If they find out you went to the same High School I did, you will have to put up with a ton of "Deliverance jokes".

I like to believe that I'm pretty cultured. I've lived down south for 10 years (and believe it or not I don't have the slightest hint of a southern accent), I've lived in the midwest for 10 years, and I've lived in the Atlantic Northeast for 10 years. Next on my list is Pacific Northwest.

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by scott elkins Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:03 am

The Pacific NW is great!

scott elkins

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by crazylocomerk Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:50 am

I have a job lined up and everything. We'll head out there when it's time for us to have kids......in about 5 years.

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by T206.org Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:11 am

Are you pictured on any baseball cards? T206me
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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by onlychild Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:58 pm

That is so very way cool
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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by fisherboy7 Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:48 pm

Trae, great looking card! The dotted red background reminds me of the E96 Thomas background. Or maybe one of the Obaks. What is the real origin?

Here's my E96 Thomas for reference:

Are you pictured on any baseball cards? E96thomas1

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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty Re: Are you pictured on any baseball cards?

Post by T206.org Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:50 pm

Thanks guys! The background came from the Tinker Portrait.
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Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Empty 1915 Cracker Jack Lee Behrens Rookie Card

Post by bowlingshoeguy Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:23 am

I have aged well over the years. boobies

Are you pictured on any baseball cards? Leecar10
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