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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos

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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Empty The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos

Post by fisherboy7 Tue May 06, 2008 2:48 pm

Jimmy Archer, Ty Cobb, Hans Wagner & Roger Bresnahan, 1930:

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobbab10

Ty Cobb and Buster Keaton - eating corn on the cob??

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobbco10

Ty Cobb showing his bat to disabled children in the stands:

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobbdi10

Cobb playing dominos with some pals:

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobbdo10

Cobb with his buddies Tris Speaker and Jimmie Foxx at the 75th anniversary of the National League:

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobbfo10

Cobb and Joe Dimaggio - not sure what's going on here!

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobbjo10

Cobb with wife and children, 1914:

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobbki10

Cobb throwing snowballs with umpire Ed Walsh in 1922:

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobbsn10

Great assembly of HOFers with Toots Shor at his famous Manhattan restaurant in the early 1950's:

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Hofers10

Gehrig, Speaker, Cobb, Ruth: 1928

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos 4star10

Photos courtesy of Baseball Fever.

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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Right_bar_bleue


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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Empty Re: The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos

Post by hanksta Tue May 06, 2008 3:31 pm

I love that last photo of Gehrig, Speaker, Cobb & Ruth.

Looking at Cy Young in the photo above it, he looks to be about 75 pounds. Really neat photos.


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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Right_bar_bleue


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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Empty Re: The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos

Post by Gary! Tue May 06, 2008 4:08 pm

Thanks for posting those - they're great!
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Left_bar_bleue1 / 1001 / 100The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Right_bar_bleue

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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Empty Re: The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos

Post by slidekellyslide Wed May 07, 2008 6:46 pm

Here are a couple of snapshots from my collection

Ty Cobb and Al Simmons at a Hall of Fame function
The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobb1

Cobb and Eddie Collins circa 1927
The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Cobb2
All Star
All Star

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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Left_bar_bleue1 / 1001 / 100The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Right_bar_bleue


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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Empty Cool photos, Dan.

Post by fisherboy7 Wed May 07, 2008 7:47 pm

Here are a few more.

From Addie Joss' Death Benefit Game, Monday, July 24, 1911.

STANDING L-R; Bobby Wallace (SS), Frank Baker (3B), Joe Wood (P), Walter Johnson (P), Hal Chase (1B), Clyde Milan (CF), Russell Ford (P), Eddie Collins (2B).

SEATED, L-R; Germany Schaeffer (1B), Tris Speaker (CF), Sam Crawford (RF), Jimmy McAleer (Mgr.), Ty Cobb (Cleveland uniform) (OF), Gabby Street (C), Paddy Livingston (C)

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Jossda10

Playing chooseup with the Babe:

The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Babean10

Posts : 4290
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The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100The lighter side of Ty Cobb - in vintage photos Right_bar_bleue


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