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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards Empty O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

Post by Z-NUT Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:25 pm

In the '60's and 70's Jeff Morey produced postcards for several minor league teams for fan mail requests. I'm trying to compile a list of the sets that are in the Standard Catalog and that I have seen in my travels.

I have the following:

1961 Syracuse Chiefs
1961 Columbus Clippers/Syracuse Chiefs (4 Players, two from each team)
1971 Syracuse Chiefs

I'm sure I'm missing some. Anyone have any for me to add?


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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards Empty Re: O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

Post by r337man Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:24 pm

Wish I could help Adam

Way out of my league of expertise

I can't keep track with all of the major league stuff

I have a good friend I can ask who seems to love regionals

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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards Empty Re: O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

Post by Z-NUT Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:07 pm

Thanks, Dan. Kind of an obscure issue, not heavily collected apparently.


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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards Empty Re: O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

Post by r337man Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:16 pm

My buddy only knew of the Syracuse issues, he never got into these, I was a bit shocked.  He has everything else!

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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards Empty Re: O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

Post by glenv Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:47 pm

A few just ended on eBay. Think they were from 1960/61. Some didn't sell, so maybe they'll be back. Players included:

Jerry Davis - Shreveport Sports
Larry Elliot - Columbus Jets
Ken Aspromonte - Cleveland Indians
Bob Allison - Minn. Twins
Rich Allen - Phi. Phillies
George Crowe - Charleston White Sox
B. Duliba - Charleston White Sox

FC NCAA Bracket Champ
FC NCAA Bracket Champ

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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards Empty Re: O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

Post by Z-NUT Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:47 am

Thanks for the list, Glen. I found a whole bunch of new teams to add to the list on EBay:

Minor League

Hollywood Stars
Vancouver Mounties
Los Angeles Angels
Sacramento Solons
San Francisco Seals
Toronto Maple Leafs
Buffalo Bisons
Oklahoma City
Jersey City
Little Rock

Major League

Los Angeles Dodgers


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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards Empty Re: O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

Post by The Autograph Review Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:42 am

RE: Morey Postcards - Jeffrey W Morey is alive and well -  the postcards "he/I" issued were limited - the 4 in 1961 were not a set - but 4 individual sales to the players - and Columbus during that era was if memory serves me - were the JETS

the Ron Stillwell on EBay is mine and I would produce well made glossy B&W postcards - others found on EBay were from my negatives or photos produced - but they are NOT postcards - but PC size and blank backs - they are not my postcard production

the 1971 Chiefs were produce by me -

most of my photo taking life was done to chronicle selected league and teams - and sales to the players - many of the early TCMA minor league cards contained my photographs -

The Charleston team if the era was the "Charlies" - again if memory serves -

any Questions - I will try to answer - presently I produce the 37 year old autograph publication ... "The Autograph Review" -

most major league ball parks where I photographed - have been closed down - if not torn down - what a record!

Jeffrey W Morey

The Autograph Review
Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards Empty Re: O/T - Jeffrey W. Morey Postcards

Post by sabrjay Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:42 pm

Fantastic information!!! and thank you!!!

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