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T210-3 FS/FT

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T210-3 FS/FT Empty T210-3 FS/FT

Post by Jason Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:07 pm

I have the following T210 Series 3 cards available.If you have any interest please message me for Scans/Prices/Trade Wants.Thank You

Bennett G/VG
Doyle G/VG
Weber VG/EX
Weeks VG/EX

All SGC Graded

Bandy 30
Barenkemp 40
Blue 40
Burk 40
Dugey 40
Gear 40
Harper 40
Meager 20
Ogle A
Powell 20
Riley Portrait 30 SOLD
Wetherford 30
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

Posts : 35
Trader Points :
T210-3 FS/FT Left_bar_bleue3 / 1003 / 100T210-3 FS/FT Right_bar_bleue

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