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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by devildog2110 Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:22 pm

Does anyone know how much this card is worth and where I could find one?

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 8
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by fisherboy7 Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:37 pm

Finding a specific Holland Creameries card is no easy task - they are very scarce. If you do manage to find one, expect to pay several hundred dollars for a lower grade example. Out of curiosity, what draws you to this particular card? Is Shirley a relative of yours?

Here's the set profile from Old Cardboard: http://www.oldcardboard.com/foreign/canada/holland/holland.asp?cardsetID=1134

Posts : 4290
Trader Points :
1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue


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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by devildog2110 Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:33 pm

Yes thats my grandpas older brother. He wasn't a great player but he was good enough to play in the majors and its just cool to have a relative that actually won the World Series. I'd be willing to pay a few hundred for it. Thanks for the reply.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 8
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by jbonie Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:55 pm

devildog2110 wrote:Yes thats my grandpas older brother. He wasn't a great player but he was good enough to play in the majors and its just cool to have a relative that actually won the World Series. I'd be willing to pay a few hundred for it. Thanks for the reply.

That's cool that your relative won the World Series. Welcome to the board! Hope you find his card.

Posts : 1709
Trader Points :
1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by devildog2110 Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:07 am

I found somebody that had one but he wasn't willing to sell and I fully respect that. Maybe I'll run across one some day. I've collected since I was a teenager and have about 30,000 cards. I have a few good one but mostly common players. Collection is from early 80's to the late 90's. I never even knew about my grandpas brother until about four years ago. my Grandpa died about two years ago. He played minor league ball.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 8
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by sabrjay Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:02 pm

If I remember correctly that is his only card.

Posts : 7818
Trader Points :
1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue


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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by ValKehl Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:18 am

Ernest "Mule" Shirley played on both the 1924 and 1924 Senators teams (his only time in the majors). He only appeared in the 1924 W.S., going 1 for 2 with one RBI. I collect cards of the 1924 Senators players, and to the best of my knowledge, Jay is correct in that Shirley's only card is the Holland Creameries card. I have one of Shirley's cards, along with all the other cards in this set except the impossible Peckinpaugh card (my biggest card-collecting regret is not buying the only known example when I had the opportunity to several years ago!). If I come across another Shirley card, I'll let you know.

All Star
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Posts : 101
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by devildog2110 Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:05 am

That would be great Val, I'd be in debt to you for life bro. I do have a card of the Mule from the 1975 TMC set. Its just not the same as a card from 1924 or 1925. I was on Ebay and found a few original photos of him taken by some news photographers. I won one and lost the other. I'm not really sure why someone would have wanted a picture of him,maybe they were also related.....Who knows? Where do you live Val? Thanks again Val

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 8
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by hanksta Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:19 pm

SGC has two of the Creameries graded, a 10 and 40, and from Vintage Card Prices it's his only card available.

Posts : 322
Trader Points :
1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue


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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by sabrjay Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:33 pm

People chase 'common' players for various reason. It could be like you where it is a relative. Others chase them because they are team collectors or just want players from a specific year. Commons can go for very uncommon prices at times.

Posts : 7818
Trader Points :
1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue


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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by ValKehl Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:36 am

devildog2110 wrote:That would be great Val, I'd be in debt to you for life bro. I do have a card of the Mule from the 1975 TMC set. Its just not the same as a card from 1924 or 1925. I was on Ebay and found a few original photos of him taken by some news photographers. I won one and lost the other. I'm not really sure why someone would have wanted a picture of him,maybe they were also related.....Who knows? Where do you live Val? Thanks again Val

Hi devildog - I live in Centreville, VA, a No. Va. suburb of Washington, DC. I did pick up a some of my HC cards at shows in my area 10 -20 years ago, when shows happened every weekend. I know a couple of long-time Senators collectors in my area, so I'll check with them in hopes of finding a Shirley card. Here's a pic of my Shirley card:
1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley 1925ho10

As it so happens, my Shirley card is the best condition of all my HC cards. My other HCs look much like the other 3 cards in this pic. So, if you happen to be able to acquire a rough condition Shirley card that resembles my my other HC cards, I'll be glad to work out some sort of a trade with you so that you can have a better condition card.

You also asked why someone would want pictures of Shirley. Here are 2 examples: (1) I don't believe there are any bb cards of Tommy Taylor, who played for the 1924 Senators; so, I am hoping to find an old photo of him as a substitute for a bb card. (2) Until recently, I knew of only one bb card of "Oyster" Joe Martina, a pitcher for the 1924 Senators; this card is the 1924 Diaz Cigarettes card, a very scarce Cuban card; so I bought an old photo of Martina off of eBay; then, I very recently learned that Martina is also in the T210-1 Old Mill set, and I was able to acquire one of his cards in an auction!


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Posts : 101
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by devildog2110 Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:53 pm

Yea Val, your Shirley card is in really nice condition for being almost 90 years old. How much was the card when you purchased it? Maybe I should go to a card show when I get a chance. I'll continue to look online and see if I can find one. Thanks for all the info Val.......Semper Fi

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 8
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by ValKehl Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:12 pm

Sorry, but I can't remember when or where I purchased my Shirley card many years ago or what I paid for it. I started keeping records of what I paid for cards only about 7 years ago. Patience is a virtue - you'll get one eventually! Good luck in your search.

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Posts : 101
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

Post by devildog2110 Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:07 am

Thanks Val.....I'll keep searching.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 8
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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Right_bar_bleue

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1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley Empty Re: 1925 Holland Creamery Ernest Shirley

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