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REA chat Saturday night

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REA chat Saturday night Empty REA chat Saturday night

Post by sabrjay Sun May 06, 2012 7:15 pm

I'll be hanging out in the chatroom Saturday while the REA auction closes. You can post here what card Pete is going to win this year with a drunken bid. I'll say that he places a drunken bid on Ruth rookie just because he wants a Red Sox card of the greatest Yankee ever.

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REA chat Saturday night Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100REA chat Saturday night Right_bar_bleue


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REA chat Saturday night Empty Re: REA chat Saturday night

Post by ullmandds Mon May 07, 2012 2:46 am

Im on a diet...no alcohol...so i probably wont win anything!!!
East Coast

Posts : 2093
Trader Points :
REA chat Saturday night Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100REA chat Saturday night Right_bar_bleue

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