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Bad bad call

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Bad bad call Empty Bad bad call

Post by sabrjay Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:00 pm

This was not a triple play and the Padresaare justifiably pissed at the home plate umpire. Not only signaled, once, but twice with a "dead ball" motion. You might do it once mistakenly, but not twice. Why is it so hard for these guys to just admit they made a mistake? That's great that the Dodgers tossed the ball as if the play were live but as a base runner you have to rely on what the home plate ump is signaling.

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Bad bad call Empty Re: Bad bad call

Post by pariah1107 Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:50 pm

Guzman offers a bunt. Nearly hit-by-pitch. Ball hits bat. Ump calls "foul ball", twice. Dead play, right? Times like these make me ask what would Derek Jeter do?

A) Hop around like the pitch hit you, then hope the ump gives you first.
B) Clutch your fingers and call for the trainer. It might be career ending.
C) Glare at the pitcher, maybe a step to the mound, then call for the dugout to hold him back before he goes "all Robin Ventura" on this guy.
D) Turn to the ump and ask "do you know who you I am?"

No reason to not overturn that call.

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Bad bad call Empty Re: Bad bad call

Post by pariah1107 Fri May 04, 2012 4:12 am

Here's another one for the bad bad call (social distortion reference?) post. Welke really blew this one.


How about that Quan?


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Bad bad call Empty Re: Bad bad call

Post by cccc Fri May 04, 2012 5:35 am

i'm struggling with the notion of instant replay. the game is time-less and pure with its imperfectness and long history. with 10 different camera angles and HD 3D instant replay and fx strike zones that human error factor is magnified even more. like they say hopefully the calls balance out during the course of a season.
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