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What tops your hockey wantlist?

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What tops your hockey wantlist? Empty What tops your hockey wantlist?

Post by fisherboy7 Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:12 pm

Just curious about what our fellow vintage hockey collectors are hunting around for these days.

I've always liked the 1925 Dominion Chocolates Vezina - very tough card to find, especially with the coupon attached. Don't anticipate acquiring one any time soon, but would definitely jump at the opportunity.

What tops your hockey want list?

What tops your hockey wantlist? Copie%202%20de%20Photo%20%2815%29

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What tops your hockey wantlist? Empty Re: What tops your hockey wantlist?

Post by Bosox Blair Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:32 pm

Hi Ben,

I would like to have a Vezina card as well - don't have one yet!

(From that Dominion set, I have the Joliat with the coupon still attached...it has some creases, but I like it...I'll post a scan later).

I'd also like a King Clancy and a Morenz card - I don't have one of either of those players.

Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

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What tops your hockey wantlist? Empty Re: What tops your hockey wantlist?

Post by sabrjay Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:23 am

I'd probably go for a 1954 Topps Gordy Howe. Always loved that set and the Howe is a classic. Wouldn't mind having a Lelonde card with the name "Newsy" Lelonde on it, if such a card exists.

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What tops your hockey wantlist? Empty Re: What tops your hockey wantlist?

Post by Bosox Blair Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:33 am

sabrjay wrote:Wouldn't mind having a Lelonde card with the name "Newsy" Lelonde on it, if such a card exists.

Hey Jay,

Check out my Paulin's Candy thread for an example with "Newsy" on the card!

Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

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What tops your hockey wantlist? Empty Re: What tops your hockey wantlist?

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:39 am

Hey Blair, would love to see your Joliat with coupon when you get a chance to post it.

Which Morenz cards are you looking for? Which are his toughest?

54 Topps Howe is a nice pick Jay. Great looking card.

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What tops your hockey wantlist? Empty Re: What tops your hockey wantlist?

Post by Bosox Blair Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:01 am

fisherboy7 wrote:Hey Blair, would love to see your Joliat with coupon when you get a chance to post it.

Which Morenz cards are you looking for? Which are his toughest?

54 Topps Howe is a nice pick Jay. Great looking card.

I like the Wm. Patterson of both Morenz and King Clancy...but both are rookie cards and $$$$$$!!!

I agree on the '54T Howe - that one and the '63 Parkhurst are my favorite Gordie cards of all.

And here's my Dominion Joliat:

What tops your hockey wantlist? Aurel_10
Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

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What tops your hockey wantlist? Empty Re: What tops your hockey wantlist?

Post by Z-NUT Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:43 pm

With my budget I'll be waiting a while, but here are my top wants:

1953-54 St. Lawrence Sales Jean Beliveau & Jacques Plante:

[img]What tops your hockey wantlist? Plante10[/img]

1953-54 Parkhurst Lach & Richard:

[img]What tops your hockey wantlist? Richar10[/img]


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What tops your hockey wantlist? Empty Re: What tops your hockey wantlist?

Post by Bosox Blair Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:17 pm

Bosox Blair wrote:
I like the Wm. Patterson of both Morenz and King Clancy...but both are rookie cards and $$$$$$!!!

Well, I managed to snag the King Clancy...I'll post a scan after it arrives!

Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

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