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I recieved an interesting offer today...

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I recieved an interesting offer today... Empty I recieved an interesting offer today...

Post by browncow75 Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:32 pm

A fellow collector, and dentist friend (not a board member, as far as I am aware) offered me a group of cards he aquired recently. He mostly collects T206s, and says he doesnt need them. What he told me, is, he has approximately 50+/- "either Sporting News, or Sporting Life" Shocked commons (he wasnt sure at the time since he wasnt home), all with varying degrees of back damage from being in an album. Either way, he wants $6 each. Knowing that they almost certainly wont be any higher than a 1/1.5, should I pull the trigger? Worth the money? I know there are a ton of variables involved since I have yet to see the cards, but what do you guys think? He has a TON of prewar cards in his collection, and seems like it would be a good deal... question

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I recieved an interesting offer today... Empty Re: I recieved an interesting offer today...

Post by BigGuy219 Sun May 01, 2011 12:40 am

I'm of the, "If you've got it, spend it" crowd, but I'm young and unwed.

Sounds like they'd me M116s sight unseen if your friend collects from the T206 era?
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I recieved an interesting offer today... Empty Re: I recieved an interesting offer today...

Post by sabrjay Sun May 01, 2011 12:54 am

Even with back damage $6 per is a very good price.

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I recieved an interesting offer today... Empty Re: I recieved an interesting offer today...

Post by terjung Sun May 01, 2011 4:28 am

I'd say go for it. If nothing else, it may open up the door for future purchases or trades.

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I recieved an interesting offer today... Empty Re: I recieved an interesting offer today...

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