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SOLD: D304 Arthur Schafer Brunners Bread SGC 10

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SOLD: D304 Arthur Schafer Brunners Bread SGC 10 Empty SOLD: D304 Arthur Schafer Brunners Bread SGC 10

Post by crazylocomerk Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:21 am

First to email me with intent to purchase gets the card.

Email: crazylocomerk@yahoo.com

I will accept MO or Check. Arrangements for PAYPAL can be made if
needed, but would rather avoid paypal all together. All prices include
basic shipping. Add $3.00 for insurance per card.

D304 Arthur Shafer Brunners Bread SGC 10 $165 SOLD

SOLD: D304 Arthur Schafer Brunners Bread SGC 10 1911-14D304ArthurShaferBrunnersBrea

Posts : 2742
Trader Points :
SOLD: D304 Arthur Schafer Brunners Bread SGC 10 Left_bar_bleue12 / 10012 / 100SOLD: D304 Arthur Schafer Brunners Bread SGC 10 Right_bar_bleue

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