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Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards

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Do you make an effort to collect Pre WWII rookie cards?

Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Vote_lcap29%Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Vote_rcap 29% 
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Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Vote_lcap14%Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Vote_rcap 14% 
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Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Vote_lcap43%Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Vote_rcap 43% 
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Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Vote_lcap14%Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Vote_rcap 14% 
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Total Votes : 7

Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards Empty Collecting Pre WWII Rookie Cards

Post by bowlingshoeguy Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:03 am

There is an article in the new Old Cardboard about collecting HOF rookies which brought a poll question to mind about vintage collectors collecting rookie cards.

Do you make an effort to collect rookie cards?

I personally have never been a big collector of rookie cards at anytime, always thought it was a weird fascination.

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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