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Vintage card market summer 2009

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Vintage card market summer 2009 Empty Vintage card market summer 2009

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:16 am

I have been watching Ebay, auction houses the last few weeks and all i can say is its absolutely at a stand still. Are we at the bottom of the market or can it get even worse. The thing is, you need collectors to sell their cards to have buyers and looks like no one wants to part with them at these low prices. The good thing is, you can get them cheap but seems only the run of the mill T206's are on Ebay. Then you have the sellers who mark up cards 400% over book hoping to get a bite. They just keep circulating them on Ebay for a cheap listing price every 30 days.

The National is coming up but i don't think many bargains will be found. If i had to guess, i think attendance will be down 10-20%.

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