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Beckett BVG subgrading question

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Beckett BVG subgrading question Empty Beckett BVG subgrading question

Post by lentel Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:10 pm

BVG had some flips that have a main grade and I believe 4 subgrades. Corners, edges, centering and surface. These are gold in color. There are white ones that have the main grade only. Is there an option to have these subgrades printed or is this something old or new? Why do some have the subgrades and others dont?
Thanks for any info this has caught my curiousity.
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Beckett BVG subgrading question Empty Re: Beckett BVG subgrading question

Post by sabrjay Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:04 pm

I liked the subgrades but I think they discontinued that when started getting more popular. Not sure why they would do it since it was something that set them apart.


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Beckett BVG subgrading question Empty Beckett Subgrades

Post by hrbaker Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:43 pm

I could be wrong about this but I had the impression that they discontinued this practice because they tired of explaining why the overall grade was almost always the same as the lowest of the subgrades as opposed to the average. Quite frankly the whole thing never made much sense to me.

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Beckett BVG subgrading question Empty Re: Beckett BVG subgrading question

Post by cccc Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:08 pm

kinda weird, i like those subgrades, but beckett stopped doing it. i would tend to be more careful with prewar cards with those slabs because beckett didn't have a clue about prewar stuff back then. (i think they're much better now)
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