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Is this card trimmed?

Bosox Blair
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Is this card trimmed? Empty Is this card trimmed?

Post by Bosox Blair Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:48 am

Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by fisherboy7 Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:11 pm

I was looking at that card too. I have to agree that the bottom border looks trimmed. Especially where it slants downward at the right corner. I'd certainly think twice about dropping significant cabbage on this card. Yes I know, the mountains and clouds are pretty, you'll find another one. Razz

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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by Bosox Blair Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:00 pm

fisherboy7 wrote:I was looking at that card too. I have to agree that the bottom border looks trimmed. Especially where it slants downward at the right corner. I'd certainly think twice about dropping significant cabbage on this card. Yes I know, the mountains and clouds are pretty, you'll find another one. Razz

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your reply - I'm glad to see that another serious collector concurs with my concern about this one. I'll steer clear...but those mountains and clouds... Shocked Laughing .

Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by cccc Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:16 pm

we had a discussion about these e106s earlier (the seller's current wagner being sold) and zach hypothesized that all e106s are hand cut. i find that theory interesting since on some of these the bottom borders look really bad.
Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by MSTEELE Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:54 am

Interesting card. The auction has plenty of bids. The seller has more E-106 cards. It looks like a spot of paper loss on the front. SGC would probably downgrade it to a 20 or 30 as they are HARSH when it comes to paper loss. Anyway, I have this card in an SGC 30 and the cut looks normal compared to the bottom of this card. I had not heard the theory that E-106's were handcut. I heard the thoery that most have a vertical crease down the middle because of something that happened at the production plant.
Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by cccc Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:47 am

here's the original thread talking about the e106 wagner

Hall of Famer
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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by r337man Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:44 pm

Yes trimmed across the bottom in my opinion.

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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by Jim Rivera cfc1909 Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:13 pm

I was looking at this card last night and had the same thought. Heavy tag for a trimmed card. I did bid on the SGC Bender and lost by 10 bucks. I have the strip cap and still need the white cap. Also the PSA 4 Bender( same bottom as Speaker) went for 100 more than the SGC 4.
Jim Rivera cfc1909
Jim Rivera cfc1909

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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by psacollector Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:38 pm

The bottom edge certainly looks trimmed. Even if not trimmed, that looks like a very strong price for a E106 Speaker. Speaker is not a scarcer card in this set, like it is in the E90-1 set, is it?
All Star
All Star

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Is this card trimmed? Empty Re: Is this card trimmed?

Post by Bosox Blair Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:05 am

Well I guess this was a bit of a moot point on my end because even if that card was not trimmed, there is no way I would have been paying $1800 for it.

Between the wonky bottom edge and the spot of what looks like paper loss, there is no chance I'd be paying a premium VG-EX price for that card.

Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

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