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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay

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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Empty Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay

Post by r337man Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:08 pm

Wasn't the date for this last week sometime??? I am still seeing sellers allowed to sell with no paypal as I prefer to. I converted early to be prepared but I do not see this change in effect. Anyone have any specifics? Dan.

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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Right_bar_bleue

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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Empty Re: Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay

Post by hanksta Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:25 pm

I think if you listed before the cut over date you can elect not to take paypal, but anything listed after has to have it as a required option for payment (I think you can still list other payment options, but you must take paypal).

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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Empty Re: Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay

Post by sabrjay Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:36 pm

Oct 20th was the date that it was supposed to take effect. I missed a few lots of cards that I wanted to list, but haven't tried to list them to see what happens if you don't have PayPal as a payment option.

I have several lots up on eBay right now that I listed Sunday the 19th and I don't have PayPal as an option.


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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Right_bar_bleue


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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Empty Re: Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay

Post by ItsOnlyGil Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:56 pm

It is getting a bit difficult to find sellers (who you do not have an ongoing relationship with) that accept anything but PayPal and other ebay approved electronic payment options. So difficult that I just do not ask anymore, and I do not look at sellers who are new to me.
Goodbye ebay baseball cards - you are too risky anyway.

Posts : 1145
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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Right_bar_bleue

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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Empty Re: Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:55 pm

All I have to say to ebay:



banana hump

what to do?

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Left_bar_bleue53 / 10053 / 100Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Right_bar_bleue

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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Empty Re: Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay

Post by LucasRiley Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:06 pm

As an avid buyer, I've been enormously frustrated with the whole Paypal revolution. That it has been added as a payment option is fine, and if there are sellers who want to accept only Paypal, that's fine, too. That's their right, certainly. But that eBay has mandated that everyone must accept it, and that no one is allowed to advertise that they accept anything else, is ridiculous. I didn't want to sign up but eventually I had to or abandon the hobby. So I did, only to find that even that isn't the end of it. Paypal sets a spending limit, and once you reach that, you have to link your bank account information in order to keep purchasing. They've already got your credit card number, but that's not enough. They've gotta have your bank account info, as well.

I've become more active in forums such as this one because I can clearly envision a day quite soon when I'm done pursuing this passion through eBay. I don't wanna be done with the hobby, too, though. It's way too much fun.

Thank you to all of you for setting up this forum. I'd include the phrase I'd most like to express to eBay's braintrust, but it's not family-friendly and I think you can guess what it is, anyway.

Posts : 426
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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 100Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Right_bar_bleue

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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Empty Re: Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay

Post by sabrjay Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:14 pm

LucasRiley wrote:...I've become more active in forums such as this one because I can clearly envision a day quite soon when I'm done pursuing this passion through eBay. I don't wanna be done with the hobby, too, though. It's way too much fun.

Thank you to all of you for setting up this forum. I'd include the phrase I'd most like to express to eBay's braintrust, but it's not family-friendly and I think you can guess what it is, anyway.

Welcome to your forum. This is exactly why we are here, to help people in their pursuit of these wonderful little pieces of cardboard and hopefully you will make new friends here too. You'll find that there are many knowledgeable people here with experiences dating back to the early 70s. Feel free to chime in on any topic and don't be afraid to ask questions. No one is going to tell you that it's been asked a million times or make fun. At least not seriously. You may get some stupid answers, but you can never ask a stupid question.

Stop on down at the Membership Directory and introduce yourself.


Posts : 7818
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Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Mandatory Paypal acceptance to sell on Ebay Right_bar_bleue


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