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productive day at a card show

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productive day at a card show Empty productive day at a card show

Post by cccc Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:23 pm

not for buying a single card. the hollywood park west coast show is running again, used to have decent stuff. even tik showed up 1 time a few years back. this time i went because sgc is setting up for the first time. submitted a few cards (fingers crossed). the CS rep bryan was very friendly and helpful...as is most of the sgc staff, they're very personable.

...and even got to shake hand with the great anthony (griffins) of LTS/N54/AIMOO/CU/etc/etc fame! that's a good (or great?) day.
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productive day at a card show Empty Re: productive day at a card show

Post by TheBig6 Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:38 pm

I love the smell of a card show in the morning
The Relic
The Relic

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productive day at a card show Empty Quan...

Post by Comisky Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:03 am


I thought about going to the show but the last two were horrible. Most of the dealers were marking their cards up 20-30% of market value. I don't understand how these dealers are able to make a living when they are competing with the internet. Anyways, how was the card selection at the show? Anything cool? The last Hollywood Park Show I went to I was able to hold a T206 Eddie Plank.

Also, If you are ever in San Diego shoot me an email and we can meet up and talk cards!

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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productive day at a card show Empty Re: productive day at a card show

Post by pro9 Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:42 am

Hey Quan, last time you had a chance to meet with Anthony, you bailed. Smile

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productive day at a card show Empty Re: productive day at a card show

Post by Griffins Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:42 am

E, I reminded him of that. He couldn't get away this time since I snuck up on him.
Nice cards Quan, but I think you should've put both of them in for grading, the 2nd one would've looked great in that black matte.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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productive day at a card show Empty Re: productive day at a card show

Post by cccc Sun Aug 31, 2008 4:12 pm

ha yea anthony did blindsided me when i was at the sgc table. even the sgc rep brian had nice things to say about anthony, it was impressive. the crossover was $100 per at that tier, so i felt it wasn't necessary since the cards are staying in my personal collection. sgc was nice enough to bump the other cards to the 1 day service too, so i did the 1.

jeff i went on friday afternoon and the dealers were lighter than the other times, maybe they haven't set up yet. same prewar vintage people, could've been less. i didn't really look too hard. seriously i was more interested in the '89 fleer update boxes and '89 donruss the rookies. i don't remember if griffey was in the fleer update set so i passed at picking one up for $3
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productive day at a card show Empty Re: productive day at a card show

Post by psacollector Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:40 pm

What cards were you looking to cross? They must have been great cards because price of same day submission at the National was $35.

I know what you mean though.....seeing guys like Anthony and Elliot is always quite a treat.
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