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Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find

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Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Empty Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find

Post by TheBig6 Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:05 am

Ben, Had started a thread about significate finds.
Well, I was going through some stuff today and came across this old BecKett Vintage Price guide and was looking thru it and came across this article about a Find that Terry Knouse (Tik&Tik) made in 1988 at a card show. I enjoyed reading it and thought I would post it here for you guys to read.

Sounds like this was the find that kinda gave the Knouse's their start down the road of Vintage material.

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.
Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Untitled-Scanned-02
Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Untitled-Scanned-03
The Relic
The Relic

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Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Left_bar_bleue27 / 10027 / 100Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Right_bar_bleue


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Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Empty Re: Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find

Post by fisherboy7 Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:51 pm

Nice read, thanks for posting that Jerry.

Imagine the feeling....you're sitting at your dealer table and a guy walks up with 110 N173's and a boatload of T cards including a nice t206 plank? Shocked

You can tell from the scan that several of the Old Judge Cabinets are tough black border variations, including the mascot card.

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Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Right_bar_bleue


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Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Empty Re: Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find

Post by TheBig6 Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:50 pm

The N173 on the far right looks like a Brouthers
The Relic
The Relic

Posts : 1579
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Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Left_bar_bleue27 / 10027 / 100Terry Knouse's 20 yr old find Right_bar_bleue


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