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mastro's auction is up for preview....

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mastro's auction is up for preview.... Empty mastro's auction is up for preview....

Post by cccc Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:56 am

bidding starts next week, not sure if anyone else feels this way but i'm underwhelmed. i think this is the premier auction but it feels more like a collector one. besides the trimmed t206 plank there weren't another big item that caught my eyes. not many caramels, 19th cent, no t204s/t222s, not alot of breads...big MEH coffee . i would feel sorry for anyone that had to shell out $75 for this.

p.s. oh yea there's another sweet plank that i'm sure DK will be all over.
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mastro's auction is up for preview.... Empty Re: mastro's auction is up for preview....

Post by crazylocomerk Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:20 pm

My thoughts exactly. I didn't see a whole lot there that I thought: "Hmmm that would be great to own".

Pretty weak compared to the July auction.

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mastro's auction is up for preview.... Left_bar_bleue12 / 10012 / 100mastro's auction is up for preview.... Right_bar_bleue

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mastro's auction is up for preview.... Empty Re: mastro's auction is up for preview....

Post by cmoking Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:16 pm

I have the opposite feeling. There's a bunch of lots I'm interested in and I'm trying to figure out how to juggle the finances if I win some of them.

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mastro's auction is up for preview.... Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 100mastro's auction is up for preview.... Right_bar_bleue

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mastro's auction is up for preview.... Empty Re: mastro's auction is up for preview....

Post by 3-2-count Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:09 am

There's one lot for sure I really like.

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mastro's auction is up for preview.... Left_bar_bleue18 / 10018 / 100mastro's auction is up for preview.... Right_bar_bleue


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