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REA and Mastro Speculation

scott elkins
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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by Comisky Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:28 pm

With both, REA and Mastro's, big auctions just around the corner, I was wondering if anybody would care to speculate or expose what big ticket items are going to be available. I know REA is going to auction off the BVG Wagner but they always have a few more aces up their sleeve. I would love to hear you guys since you are in the "know."

Jeff W.
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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Re: REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by hanksta Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:29 pm

I'm guessing Mastro will have a high grade Tin Top Joe Jackson...just a guess.


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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Re: REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by sabrjay Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:38 pm

It'll be pretty much the same as every year, Mastro will have a better selection of cards, but REA will blow Mastro away with all the historically significant memorabilia.


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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Re: REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by scott elkins Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:55 am

I do know there will be some nice T206 Red Hindus and Uzits in the REA auction (that I am looking forward to Very Happy ), as the person I purchased my Uzit Cobb from last year told me he consigned all of his Red Hindus and Uzits to REA, except the Red Hindu Cobb and Uzit Cobb (which I bought).

scott elkins

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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Re: REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by fisherboy7 Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:58 am

Jeff mentioned in the e107 thread that there is going to be a bunch of E107s in the upcoming REA auction (he said 60+). Sounds pretty tasty.

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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Best Cards?

Post by Ken Eccles Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:18 pm

I'd go by Rob's backing of Kevin that was posted on this site,I will say he might be a week late as to getting his catalog out, unless things have changed. As I told him, it's won't be a problem to anyone. Good things and people are worth waiting for! Ken W.Eccles

Ken Eccles
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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Shameless Plug

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:49 pm

There might be a nice grouping of Pete Wood OJ's. righton

Sultan of the Cycle Back
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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Re: REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by scott elkins Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:58 pm

Another thing as well - when an auction house has QUALITY MATERIAL REGULARLY, there HAS to be several items in the auctions that aren't up to snuff! bananarama 2

scott elkins

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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Re: REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by sabrjay Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:01 pm

scott elkins wrote:Another thing as well - when an auction house has QUALITY MATERIAL REGULARLY, there HAS to be several items in the auctions that aren't up to snuff! bananarama 2

That would be the OJ Woods lot in REA Wink


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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Re: REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by onlychild Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:40 pm

Another thing as well - when an auction house has QUALITY MATERIAL REGULARLY, there HAS to be several items in the auctions that aren't up to snuff! bananarama 2

REA and Mastro Speculation Shaking+head REA and Mastro Speculation Censored

No comment, it might end up on the other board. Bad enough I have to worry about Mastro goons showing up at my front door.
REA and Mastro Speculation Guillotine
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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty REA preview

Post by Comisky Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:52 pm

Looks like REA has their preview up the website. The BVG Wagner is excellent for the grade. And, provides a good opportunity for some one to acquire one with good registration for a decent price. Also, they have a poster of Cap Anson and Buck Ewing drinking beer! Its actually very beautiful and depicts two things that I love, beer and baseball.

Jeff W.
Major Leaguer
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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Jeff W here's a Beer & Baseball for you

Post by Ken Eccles Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:07 pm

Rob wants the History around the Pennant. Records show that a few Famous players,etc visited it 1912-18 and we know a few liked Beer.Who know's, Rob might even be selling a few things from the Kling's Museum before long? https://2img.net/r/ihimizer/img142/7852/steinmaxqo8.jpg REA and Mastro Speculation Robstpicwa7 REA and Mastro Speculation Robsteinreportwo2

Ken Eccles
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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Re: REA and Mastro Speculation

Post by scott elkins Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:45 pm

That's a really nice item Ken - thanks for sharing!

scott elkins

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REA and Mastro Speculation Empty Thanks Scott

Post by Ken Eccles Sun Mar 09, 2008 10:47 pm

I might post another project that we've been working on since the 1980s, around Babe Ruth. Rob has also been contacted as to it and does have great interest in it's research also. Some of my dad's old things and records are still finding their ways into Museum's, and most of all, it's for Kid's to see and learn about our past.The HOF has nothing on file as to any of this. and we hope to change that soon. Kling Research & Paul NakianREA and Mastro Speculation 1980snakianje5

Ken Eccles
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