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Topps Gypsy Queen

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Topps Gypsy Queen Empty Topps Gypsy Queen

Post by sabrjay Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:45 pm

I saw that this was going to be one of Topps throwback products this year. The design looked great and I was all geared up to buy a box. Sadly, they have been selling in the $150+ range (you can get 2 box of the new A&G cards for that price), so I have passed. Yesterday at Target I saw they had the little blaster boxes with 8 packs for $20 so I ponied up for one of them. The cards are great looking and with my first pack I opened I got the Babe Ruth short print and an Al Kaline relic card. I also got an autograph card of Ricky Nolasco (never heard of him prior to getting the card). All in all, a pretty nice looking set with a very good pull from a product that doesn't generally give up much in the way of chase cards.

Posts : 7818
Trader Points :
Topps Gypsy Queen Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Topps Gypsy Queen Right_bar_bleue


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