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Baseball Fun Facts: Teams 1900-1945

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Baseball Fun Facts:  Teams  1900-1945 Empty Baseball Fun Facts: Teams 1900-1945

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:56 pm

I was going through my Baseball almanac and ran across some items that perked my interest and thought they were different. This thread will be about team achievements and I will start one for individual achievements. If you have some that have struck out as out of the ordinary please add them.

I found it really odd that in the 1916 season in the American League that the Philadelphia A's were almost the only team to be under 500 with a 36-117 record. The only other team under 500 was the Washington Senators with a 76-77 record, heck if they played the make up game they might have been 500.
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