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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute)

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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Empty Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute)

Post by BaseballCardKrazy Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:44 pm

i got some of these promo cards at the National and thought they were pretty awesome...I love the minis. have you guys seen these? what do ya think?

Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) SalesSheet

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Right_bar_bleue

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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Empty Re: Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute)

Post by TheRiddler Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:35 pm

I think that they look great.
You could get a real 100 year old Obak in rather used ( adds realism ) condition to go along with the promocard for under $20 (in your hand cost).
I bet the promocards will stimulate some interest.
Were they a give-away, or did you have to do something to get them?

Posts : 1404
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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Right_bar_bleue

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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Empty Re: Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute)

Post by sabrjay Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:44 pm

Great looking cards. I'm guessing these are going to end up being spendy out the gate but you will be able to get what you want for a good price by spring time.


Posts : 7818
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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Right_bar_bleue


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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Empty Re: Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute)

Post by Orioles1954 Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:29 pm

Hello everyone,

I just pre-ordered a couple of boxes for $75 per. Sounds very reasonable to me. First time in a while that I actually wanted to complete a base set. Very very interesting checklist.


Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

Posts : 49
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Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Tristar OBAK (1909 T212 Tribute) Right_bar_bleue

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