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Calling all stamp collectors....

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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by docpatlv Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:03 pm

I've always enjoyed collecting oddball type pieces and stamps fit that description...Here are some of my favorites, please post any stamps that are in your collection.

Calling all stamp collectors.... 1911HelmarJohnson Calling all stamp collectors.... 1937KelloggsPepJohnson Calling all stamp collectors.... 1911HelmarBrown Calling all stamp collectors.... 1911HelmarCollins Calling all stamp collectors.... 1911HelmarJennings Calling all stamp collectors.... 1911HelmarEvers Calling all stamp collectors.... 1911zHelmarCobbEnvelope Calling all stamp collectors.... 1914PiedmontBender Calling all stamp collectors.... 1914PiedmontGibson Calling all stamp collectors.... Scan0238
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by sabrjay Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:36 pm

In your experience, which is tougher, the Helmar or Piedmont stamps?


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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by docpatlv Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:48 pm

Hi Jay,

By far, the Piedmont stamps, as your brother probably already knows. Now if you're looking for a particular Helmar stamp of a certain player, then that may become a little tricky. Helmar stamps are a fairly large set so you can usually find an example for sale on e-bay routinely. But if you're looking for a particular player (ex. Cobb), I haven't seen a Cobb on e-bay for quite some time.

The Piedmonts rarely show up at all, on e-bay or other auctions, and when they do, they seem to get decent prices. I have seen a couple on ebay with BINs, a Eddie Collins SGC10 for $500, and the Beck that has been posted on here for about the same price. But, in reality, you could probably go months without seeing any on e-bay.

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by fisherboy7 Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:01 pm

I've only owned one stamp - a Bender Piedmont stamp that now belongs to Mike! You can see it in the initial post of this thread. I got it for pretty cheap maybe 3-4 years ago. Something tells me people have caught onto the scarcity of this issue over the years, and prices have slowly risen as a result. Am I right?

BTW, those Cobb and Johnson Helmars are sweet! I dig the design of that issue. Thanks for sharing, Mike.

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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by docpatlv Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:12 pm

Hey Ben,

Thanks again for the Piedmont Bender Very Happy , I promise you he's in good hands.
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by Abravefan11 Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:30 am

I only have a couple of stamps in my collection, but this orange Postaco is my favorite.

Calling all stamp collectors.... PostacoGowdy
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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by glenv Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:49 pm

Here are a few:
Calling all stamp collectors.... Youth_10Calling all stamp collectors.... Yale_e10Calling all stamp collectors.... Hind_s10

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FC NCAA Bracket Champ

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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Stamps

Post by bcampf Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:26 am

I have much to trade if anyone has Helmars of McGraw and Suggs, a Helmar actress of Richie, or a Yale Pritchard stamp of Falsey. Thanks, Brian (email me at briansandy3@msn.com)

Minor Leaguer
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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by docpatlv Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:34 pm

A new pick-up. A very colorful issue, I was surprised at the size of this when I received it (a little larger than expected).
1939 Centennial Stamp....

Calling all stamp collectors.... 1939CentennialStamp
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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:31 pm

That is a really nice stamp and looks very cool. Is there a series of those?

Sultan of the Cycle Back
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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

Post by docpatlv Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:44 pm


Yes, I think it is a set of 25 with 15 player stamps and 10 significant event stamps. I also believe there was an album to put them in.

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Calling all stamp collectors.... Empty Re: Calling all stamp collectors....

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